Friday Challenges

Here is all the Friday challenge work that I have done in class.

Clock Work Animal

This was inspired by seeing all the cat caption images which are quite frequent on the Internet. What I like about it is that its a unique view on the term "Clock work animal". However if I where to improve it I would change the color of the font as its not the most visible as it is.

Light Beam

This challenge was a tuturial on making light beams. I used the smudge and blur tools on photoshop to make this. We started with making the initial shape of a ball and a rectangle. I then blured the outlines and smudged out the side of the ball to make it more of a blast shape. After that random lines where added to make it look better. I think this piece came out rather well as it looks good and was the first time I made something like this.

Gabriels Friday Challenge

This piece was done by using mainly the shape tool. I used a lot of custom shapes mainly. The idea was to create an abstract piece with myself at the center. I started with making various shapes and started placing them behind and in front of me. From here I decided to add a darkened layer over the top of all the pieces. Overall I feel that this work is pretty good and Its been one of the few times I have been able to work with the idea of Abstract so I enjoyed making this.

BIG ME little me

The idea behind this piece was a conflict between a Giant and a small person. I then decided to make the size gap really exaggerated and so I cut out my foot and placed it on the opposite side of my little self. I then decided to give the little me a sword and shield so its almost like a fantasy story of the hero fighting the monster. I feel that the piece came out pretty well although the foot is poorley cut out and there is some stretching issues.

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